Vibrating Hoe Pack / Tamper

Whether you are laying pavement, artificial grass, or concrete, the first step is to ensure the soil is compacted and level. However, packing down the ground can take too long if it is performed manually or using hammering equipment. Speed up your project timelines by utilizing the Hoe Pack / Tamper attachment from Vibe Drive Technologies, which delivers up to 5,000 vibrations per minute.

We are all about making your operation more efficient. The Hoe Pack / Tamper can be attached to our MX Puma Excavator Vibrating Post & Pile Driver unit within minutes. 

Save on time, labour and operational costs by contacting Vibe Drive Technologies to learn more about our Hoe Pack / Tamper attachment and other vibrating equipment.



Vibe Drive’s Commitment to Quality Equipment & Service

  • Only true vibrating drivers on the market
  • Uses only vibrations and minimal down pressure
  • Vibration does not transfer to the machine
  • Installs in minutes and is easy to operate
  • Faster ground compacting equals reduced labor costs
  • Manufactured in North America using the most durable components

Contact Vibe Drive today to learn more about the Vibrating Hoe Pack / Tamper Attachment
